Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To Cut or Not to Cut ... That is the Question

I have had long hair for years now ... and had not even contemplated the big chop, chop until one of the last days of 2011.

I held my hair back and quite liked the look of a chic bob.

Problem is I had done my hair all nicely; moroccon oiled it all up and it was all sweet. This is in stark contrast to what it looks like when I wake up ... dishevelled, frizzy, poofy and downright crazy.

Do I/Will I have enough patience to actually DO my hair EVERY day? If I do get the chop I won't have the choice ...

So what are your thoughts? It's just hair right? I do think I will definitely need a keratin treatment though if I go down this path.



According to some wesbite I clicked on, the long bob is so 2011. I think it is so right now.

Over and Out



Poptartlr said...

I think it would look great. I am terrified of cutting off my hair after taking so long to grow it. I think it's just bad memories of my permed bob from the 80s:)

Kat said...

I vote cut! I think it would look awesome on you.

kalgm4 said...

DO IT!!! the biggest thing is you just need to know "how" to do it. If you make sure you have this down pat then it won't take long to do your hair each morning.

Unknown said...

Do it! I had my hair chopped off to a short bob from long late last year, was the best decision - so much easier to look after and dries quicker! a bob would suit you too

KAmelie said...

Nice post .

yiqin; said...

so nice <3

Unknown said...

Very beautiful hair, the last photos stole my heart away xo
would you like to follow each other?

monicaalicee said...

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